Monday 30 April 2018

Term 2 Week 1 - Reading Challenge and Shakespeare research

We have a Reading Challenge running this term, and you should have been given a challenge list in class.  There is a digital copy available in our class google drive folder.  
The aim is to see how many books we can read and to try to broaden the scope of what we are reading.  
When you have finished a book for the reading challenge, make a note of it on your blog.  Put the challenge number and topic, then post up a picture of the book you read for it.  Include a short review or give it a rating if you like.  I also encourage you to set up a Good Reads account - some of us in the class already have.  If you let me know your name on Good Reads I can give you a follow.  We have been to the library today and will be back there tomorrow, so everyone should have a book.  

We are going to be looking at some Shakespeare this term.  This week we are researching who he is, and everyone has to present their findings back by Tuesday next week (8th May).  You are encouraged to present your research on your blog in a digital format such as a short film or animation.  Presenting in this way is to try to get you familiar with and trying out new ways of displaying your learning in English.  

Friday 6 April 2018

Creative Writing

Your creative writing based on A Monster Calls should be in finished draft form today.
If you haven't finished your draft, this is now homework so that it is ready for peer feedback by Monday.

Also, due at the end of next week are your reading logs.